A Critical Mindset to 10X your Referrals


Unlocking the power of referrals remains the cornerstone for expanding a wealth management practice. Thus, honing the art of Asking for Referrals is indispensable for Financial Advisors/Reps striving to take their business to the next level. This entails refining language, handling objections, identifying feeder categories, compiling feed lists, and implementing a Referral System. Each component demands diligent practice and mastery to unleash its full potential.


Too many Advisors only address the mechanics of the skill…how to ask and when to ask and what to say to overcome objections.  These are the technical aspects of the skill.


I recommend you first start with understanding your MISSION and learn to execute this skill with heart.  This will change how you feel about asking because the mission is not about you or building your business.  The mission is how you help people and how your work changes people’s lives.  Your mission is what will motivate your clients and prospects to give you referrals.    They will STOP viewing you as a “salesperson” when they understand your heart and how you help people.


Therefore, you must first write out your mission and start to understand how your work changes people’s lives.  Here are some questions to help you find your heart and mission:


  1. What happens to people who fail to work with a Financial Advisor?
  1. What happens to people who do not have a financial plan?
  1. What are the consequences of delaying a plan or implement a plan?
  1. How does your work change people’s lives?
  1. Why do you care?
  1. Do you want everyone you love and care about to have a financial plan and work with a Financial Advisor? Why?

In summary, start to master this skill with your heart.  Really think about how your work changes people’s lives.  Then watch your Referral list grow!


Your Coach,

Andrea Bullard & Company


I am inviting you to join me…


Thursday, March 14 @ 11 am-2 pm


If you have struggled with Referrals.


If you think you are NOT good at gathering referrals.


If you want to “master” the Referral Skill and implement a Referral Skill System that generates referrals every day…


Then I invite you to join me on March 14 from 11 am-2 pm.

 Learn the one skill that needs to be mastered to grow your referrals. And, it’s not what you think.

 Discover your passion and mission in your business.

 Create your own “authentic language” when asking for referrals.

 Stop feeling “salesy” when asking for referrals.

 Know how to handle EVERY objection when asking for a referral.

 Create an ATM machine for referrals…The Market Research Kits.

 Discover the email that will get your Referrals immediately scheduled.


Please click the link below to sign up. Remember, successful people take action!

Yes, I want to Master Referrals and set up a Referral System






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Andrea Bullard

