Results-driven professionals describe her speaking as dynamic, energetic, motivating and educational. Andrea’s motivational and educational presentations allow her audience to walk away with success tools and concepts to immediately impact and grow their business.

Keynote and Breakout Sessions
The 4 Tragic Mistakes to Building a Profit Driven Financial Wealth Business Model… How You Can Avoid Them.
Andrea has helped Financial Advisors/Reps build their business to multiple 6 and 7 figures while having less stress and more time freedom. She will explain how many Financial Advisors are building a practice that will keep them broke, exhausted and working 7 days per week. Andrea will address the following key issues:
How to create a New Business Vision and understand what current business models will keep Financial Advisors broke, frustrated and working long hours.
Who and How to hire an “A” Team.
What Systems and business strategies need to be implemented to merge technology with the human experience.
The leadership skills needs to build a successful practice.
How to Build the Futuristic “Super Power” Financial Team that creates “Raving Fans”
When Andrea wrote her first book she had a Vision of how the industry needed to change and what Financial Advisor/Reps needed to do to build a business that would allow them to “only see people.” Her Vision was “spot on” and it changed the industry. Now she sees a NEW VISION for an industry that is rapidly changing. During this presentation you Andrea will explain the following:
How technology will replace the roles of many current staff and how teams should start making this change right now.
How to build the Futuristic “Super Power” Financial Team.
How to create the “Experience” that will drive clients to work with you.
How to create the offensive team of “Super Power” players.
From Sneakers to Chanel™ and High Heels: How I Built a Successful Business In a Male Dominated Industry.
Andrea built her coaching business in the male dominated financial services industry. She took her coaching experience and training to help double and triple Financial Reps/Advisors production. Now she is building top teams in the industry through her Turn Key Office Systems and Team Building strategies. Andrea will share with women the 10 Bullard Strategies that will help them succeed in business. These are strategies will open their eyes to the “real world” of working with and/or competing with highly competitive and success-driven men.
Workshop Presentations
The Keys to Planning A “Breakout Year”.
Andrea has helped people double and triple their business revenue. She understands how to energize, focus, and re-charge individuals to achieve their “best years” in both their personal and business lives. If your company needs an injection of purpose, inspiration, and motivation, this is the workshop for you. This is for all companies; and, for all people from the receptionist to the CEO. Many individuals have gone through this workshop and changed their lives for the better. This is truly a “not to be missed” event. This workshop will do the following:
Open up dreams and goals that will ignite people with happiness and excitement.
Give specific steps on how to make THIS YEAR the BEST YEAR of their lives.
Teach people how to become “their best self.”
Teach people how to fight self doubts and negativity.
Shark Tank Team Competition
Andrea has a unique talent on how to engage your employees and get them to take “ownership” of your company. She has created a workshop that taps into the ideas and thoughts of every person in your company. This workshop will do the following:
Engage your employees to create ideas that will help your company grow. These may include new technology initiatives or systems or communication, etc.
Enhance and allow your employees to voice their ideas, opinions and thoughts on how to improve the company.
This event is fun and competitive and builds team commoradoraire.
The company will leave the workshop with new ideas, renewed energy and a feeling of “team.”
Andrea Bullard

Andrea Bullard has helped hundreds of Financial Reps/Advisors grow their business. Andrea is a frequent speaker, breakout session presenter and lecturer for numerous business and insurance companies. Her roster includes Northwestern Mutual, Guardian, Mass Mutual, Penn Mutual Life, Summit Life & Sales Forum Expo, Great-West Life Assurance Co., and 2016 MDRT Speaker Zone. Andrea is presently an elite faculty member of the Hoopis Performance Network, an online training company for Financial Reps/Advisors from around the world.
Results-driven Financial Reps/Advisors describe her speaking as dynamic, energetic, motivating and educational. Andrea’s motivational and educational presentations allow her audience to walk about with success tools and concepts to immediately impact and grow their business. Her “Play to Win” attitude, sharp business sense, dynamic coaching methods and proprietary Turn-Key Systems© have allowed many of her clients to catapult to multiple 6 and 7 figures while gaining more time freedom and peace of mind.
She is the author of four books, The Turn-Key Office System, The Referral Skill System, Woman Power, and her newest book, Turn-Key Secrets. The Turn-Key Office System book is considered a “go-to” blueprint that helps Financial Reps/Advisors build their business with systems and an “A” Team. Her newest book, Turn-Key Secrets is the ultimate guide to helping Financial Advisors build a multi-million dollar wealth management practice. It reveals secrets to how to build the futuristic Prospecting Concierge staff.
Andrea’s passion for coaching began when she played Division I Volleyball at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She went on to earn a Bachelor and a Master of Science Degree from the UW-Madison, all the while closely studying Olympic coaches, their methods, and most of all…the inner workings of the champion’s mindset. She was the Head Coach of a nationally rated track team and coached a women's college basketball team.
Why Andrea is a Dynamic Choice for your Group
Andrea is a passionate, dynamic speaker who is known for moving her audience into action. A true professional who will engage and delight while delivering cutting edge content that will both educate and motivate.
Companies who have engaged Andrea:
Northwestern Mutual – keynote speaker at Annual Meeting.
Northwestern Mutual – speaker at more than 25 Regional Conferences
The Guardian
Mass Mutual
Summit Life and Sales Forum Expo.
Thompson Advertising
AVIVA Annual Meeting
Paragon Capital
Great-West Life Assurance Co. Annual Meeting
Ocean Connect
Fortify Insurance
Boston CPA Firms
Boston Law Firms
Andrea is a filmed coach for the MDRT Academy.
Andrea is a speaker/coach for Hoopis Performance Network.

“As a speaker, Andrea is dynamic, energetic, driven and captivating.”
Andrea’s “Play to Win” attitude and sharp business sense
Helps leaders get measureable…and significant results.
Keynote Speaker
Workshop Leader
Business Coach
Ensure success at your next event.
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